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Life Science

Max probe (10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine)

Catalog Number Unit Size
IA11917-5mg 5mg
IA11917-10mg 10mg
IA11917-25mg 25mg
IA11917-B Bulk size

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


1. Product Code : IA11917
2. Synonyms : ADHP, 1-(3,7-Dihydroxy-10H-phenoxazin-10-yl)ethenone, Amplex Red
3. CAS Number : 119171-73-2
4. Chemical Formula : C14H11NO4
5. Molecular Weight : 257.24
6. Appearance : White to brown powder
7. Purity (1H NMR) : min 95%
8. Identity (1H NMR) : Conforms to structure
9. Fluorescence : λex 571 nm; λem 585 nm in DMSO
10. Storage : 2-8 ℃, Protect from light


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