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Life Science
Cell metabolism is a biochemical process essential to cell survival that now comprises about 100,000 reactions and 15,000 metabolites.

Cell metabolism can be divided into two categories. The first is the process of decomposing and releasing energy, which is related to the energy conversion of major nutrients such as carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids in food. The second is the process of synthesizing macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, and proteins in vivo by consuming the accumulated energy. In addition, metabolic processes help remove toxic substances.

The study of cell metabolism plays an important role in the food industry as well as the fields of physiology, cell biology, and medicine. Understanding cell metabolism is key to understanding how to prevent and treat many human diseases such as cancer, diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and neurogenerative diseases, which are caused by disruption of the metabolic pathway.

Biomax’s metabolism assay kit is designed to accurately quantify a variety of metabolites through fluorescence or absorbance using synthesized Tetrazolium salt or fluorescent dye to match the laboratory environment without needing complex equipment. It is sensitive enough to detect up to pmol levels depending on the type of sample and the type of analysis.

All components of the kit are highly stable and guarantee long shelf lives without requiring special handling. The kit can be applied to various types of samples such as cells, tissues, blood, urine, food, etc.


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