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Life Science

WestGlow™ Western blot chemiluminescent substrate

WestGlow™ Chemiluminescent substrate : To detect the desired protein, the protein is usually extracted at a high concentration or the amount of antibody is increased. However, the process of purifying the protein may be tricky, or it may be difficult to produce the desired concentration. In addition, antibodies can be quite costly. Therefore, it is preferable to save the antibody using a good chemiluminescent substrate rather than using the other two above-mentioned methods.

WestGlow™ is composed of 4 steps depending on sensitivity (from pico gram to femto gram) using our substrate. By using high-purity raw materials, we provide optimal conditions for protein detection including detection time, signal duration, and stability. 

Keumkang Penterium IX Tower CORE-C 7F, 46, Galmaesunhwan-ro 166beon-gil, Guri-si, Gyeonggi-do, Republic of Korea
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