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Life Science
Oxygen molecules play an important role in maintaining life, but active oxygen species can be derived from them and can be toxic. Therefore, living organisms using oxygen should have an effective defense mechanism against them.

In mammals, there are a variety of antimatter and enzymes that directly or indirectly react with various forms of active oxygen such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Bilirubin glutathione, SOD, and Catalase. Measuring oxidative stress and its ability to cope with it is difficult because it is influenced by many factors.

Many methods have been developed over the years, but in most cases, there are limits to the method of analysis and the interpretation of results.

Biomax combines the methods cited in high-impact articles with state-of-the-art organic synthesis technology to provide a variety of assay kits for evaluating ROS pathways and biological oxidation/reduction regulators, including ROS and related stress markers, SOD, catalase, and glutathione.


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