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Life Science

Happy cells+

Catalog Number Unit Size
BHC002 250ml

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Happy Cells+ is a laboratory disinfectant for incubators and work benches in cell culture and molecular biology laboratories. It is more powerful than ethanol and other alcohol based solutions and very effective against various types of contaminants including bacteria, fungi, virus, yeast and mycoplasma. The active ingredient of Happy Cells PLUS is quickly attracted to the bacteria surface to neutralize the bacterial cell wall protection system. It passes through the cell wall to join the cytoplasmic membrane and creates some spaces in the cytoplasmic membrane by association with proteins. This lead to the loss of vital compounds (potassium, calcium, etc.) and disrupts the membrane permeability, which has a lethal effect to bacteria. It is also known to bind to bacterial DNA, alter its transcription, and cause lethal DNA damage.

Kit contents

Cat No.





Happy Cells+

250 ㎖


Mechanism of Action & Cytotoxicity


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