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Life Science

Total Antioxidant Capacity (TAC) Assay

Catalog Number Unit Size
BO-TAC-200 200 assays

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Antioxidants play an important role in preventing the formation of and scavenging of free radicals and other potentially toxic oxidizing species. There are three categories of antioxidant species: enzyme systems (GSH reductase, catalase, peroxidase, etc.), small molecules (ascorbate, uric acid, GSH, vitamin E, etc.) and proteins (albumin, transferrin, etc.). Different antioxidants vary in their reducing power. Trolox is used to standardize antioxidants, with all other antioxidants being measured in Trolox equivalents. Measurement of the combined nonenzymatic antioxidant capacity of biological fluids and other samples provides an indication of the overall capability to counteract reactive oxygen species (ROS), resist oxidative damage and combat oxidative stress-related diseases. The TAC Assay is based on the reduction of copper (II) to copper (I) by antioxidants. The oxidation of Cu2+ to Cu+ by antioxidants is measured by absorbance at 450 nm using the colorimetric method.


Kit contents




Copper Reagent

20 ㎖

4 ℃

Reaction Buffer

20 ㎖

Trolox Standard (10 mM )

2 vials


1) Choi, C.Y., Li, Z., Song, J.A., and Park, Y.-S. (2022). Water Hardness Can Reduce the Accumulation and Oxidative Stress of Zinc in Goldfish, Carassius auratus. Antioxidants 11, 715. 10.3390/antiox11040715.

2) Lee, E.M., Park, S.J., Lee, J.-E., Lee, B.M., Shin, B.K., Kang, D.J., Choi, H.-K., Kim, Y.-S., and Lee, D.Y. (2019). Highly geographical specificity of metabolomic traits among Korean domestic soybeans (Glycine max). Food Research International 120, 12-18. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2019.02.021.

3) Byeon, J.C., Lee, S.-E., Kim, T.-H., Ahn, J.B., Kim, D.-H., Choi, J.-S., and Park, J.-S. (2019). Design of novel proliposome formulation for antioxidant peptide, glutathione with enhanced oral bioavailability and stability. Drug Delivery 26, 216-225. 10.1080/10717544.2018.1551441.

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