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Life Science

Ethanol Assay Kit (Colorimetric)

Catalog Number Unit Size
BM-ETH-100 100 assays

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


Ethanol is the most widely consumed mainstream ingredient, acting as a central nervous system depressant, and while low doses of ethanol may help circulation, excessive consumption results in various forms of disease. PicoSens™ Ethanol Assay Kit is a rapid and simple-to-use assay kit that accurately quantifies the concentration of ethanol in various biological samples such as foods, beverages, plasma, and media. Alcohol dehydrogenase in the product can be measured at absorbance (OD = 450 nm) by reacting ethanol with coenzymes used to convert to aldehydes or ketones.


Kit contents




Assay Buffer

15 ㎖


Ethanol Enzyme (Lyophilized)

1 vial

NAD (Lyophilized)

1 vial

Ethanol Probe

1 ㎖

Stop Solution

15 ㎖

Ethanol Standard (1%)

0.5 ㎖



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