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Life Science

Total Collagen Assay Kit (Colorimetric)

Catalog Number Unit Size
BM-COL-100 100 assays

상품 정보

상품 상세설명



Collagen is the most abundant insoluble protein found in the extracellular matrix and connective tissue (skin, tendon, bone, cartilage, muscle, ligament, etc.) and accounts for about 30% of the body protein content. There are more than 20 different collagens, but I, II and III collagens account for more than 80% in mammals and consist of a triple helix structure consisting of three Pro-Collagen strands with Gly-Pro-Hyp sequences. Total Collagen assay kits based on the detection of hydroxyproline. Hydroxyproline hydrolyzed from collagen is oxidized to form a reaction intermediate and is sensitive and easy to measure at absorbance (560 nm).


Kit contents




Oxidation Buffer

10 ㎖

-20 ℃

Chloramine T Concentrate 600 ㎕
Perchloric Acid/Isopropanol Solution (PCA/IPA) 5 ㎖
2X DMAB (in DMSO) 5 ㎖
Collagen Type 1 Standard (2㎎/㎖) 100 ㎕


(C) = B/V x D (㎍/㎕)


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