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Life Science

MAX-Blue™ Resazurin Cell Viability Assay Kit (Colorimetric/Fluorometric)

Catalog Number Unit Size
BCV-R1000 1,000 tests
BCV-R3000 3,000 tests

상품 정보

상품 상세설명


The MAX-Blue™ Resazurin Cell Viability Assay Kit is a single-component ready-to-use solution. It is a cell viability test kit applicable to both absorbance and fluorescence measurement according to the usage type of the instrument. Fluorescence measurement shows a higher sensitivity than other tetrazolium salt measurement methods. The redox dye used in the product is reduced by metabolically active cells. Reduced dye can be measured at fluorescence (Ex/Em = 570/585nm) or absorbance (570nm). The detection sensitivity can be measured through a stable linear calibration value from about 102 to 105 cells. Since the dye does not forcibly interfere with the electron transfer flow of normal cells due to a very low reduction potential of the dye, it can be used in conjunction with other experiments.


Kit contents


(1000 tests)

(3000 tests)


MAX-Blue™ Solution

5 ㎖ x 2 Bottles

5 ㎖ x 6 Bottles

-20 ℃


1) Uppu, D.S., Min, Y., Kim, I., Kumar, S., Park, J., and Cho, Y.K. (2021). Glycolipid-Anchored Proteins on Bioengineered Extracellular Vesicles for Lipopolysaccharide Neutralization. ACS Appl Mater Interfaces 13, 29313-29324. 10.1021/acsami.1c05108.

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