PicoSens™ Lactate Assay Kit
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- PicoSens™ Lactate Assay Kit
상품 정보
상품 상세설명
Lactate is a metabolic compound formed by Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) in the absence of oxygen or in low oxygen conditions. L-lactate is the major stereo-isomer of lactate formed in human intermediary metabolism and is present in blood. D-lactate is also present but only at about 1-5% of the concentration of L-lactate. Lactate can be used to study the oxygen consumption of cells or tissues. In addition, abnormal high concentration of lactate has been related to disease states such as diabetes and lactate acidosis, etc. In the Lactate Assay Kit, lactate specifically reacts with an enzyme mix to generate a product, which interacts with lactate probe to produce color (OD 570 nm) and fluorescence (Ex/Em = 535/590 nm). The kit provides a convenient means for detecting L-lactate in biological samples such as in blood circulation, in cells, in culture mediums, in fermentation mediums, etc. There is no need of pretreatment or purification of samples.

Kit contents
Components |
Size | Storage |
Lactate Assay Buffer | 25 ㎖ | -20℃ |
Lactate Enzyme mix (Lyophilized) | 1 vial | |
Lactate Probe | 200 ㎕ | |
Lactate Standard (100 mM) | 100 ㎕ |